How to dynamically add images in a List view

This article will be dedicated to the dynamic addition of images in a List view on K2 Blackpearl.

First of all, what are dynamic images? 🙂

These are small images that we add to our List views to indicate the status of the line. In the example below, the added images are:

  • A car that appears when we have chosen the means of transport Car ;
  • A motorcycle that appears when we have chosen the Moto mode of transport ;
  • A plane that appears when we have chosen the Plane mode of transport.

Ajouter les images dans une vue list avec k2 blackpearl : ajout des datalabels

In this article, I will show you how to achieve this result.
1. Create a List view and add your different images (images corresponding to the different states), in our case, we have added 03 images (A car, a motorcycle and an airplane). Don’t forget to hide them.

Ajouter les images dans une vue list avec k2 blackpearl : ajout des datalabels

2. Add a Data Label where you want your different images to appear.
Ajouter les voyants dans une vue list avec k2 blackpearl : ajout des datalabels

3. Create an expression on this Data Label.
Ajouter les images dans une vue list avec k2 blackpearl : ajout de l'expression
In our case, we want to display a particular image according to the value chosen in the “Means of Transport” column of our List view.
Useful code :

&lt;img src="../../Runtime/Image.ashx?ImID= <strong>Source</strong> " width="35" height="35" /&gt;

We will use this code to display our images dynamically.
Source : it is the identifier of the image, to have it, go to the image, to data source.
Ajouter les images dans une vue list avec k2 blackpearl : source d'une image

Write your expression well according to your expectations: In our case, if:

  • Status = Car then displays the image Car
  • Status = Motorcycle then displays the Motorcycle image
  • Status = Aircraft then displays the Aircraft image

It’s up to you to play  😉


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