Sometimes there are operations that are not feasible or hardly feasible on K2. But that we can do via JQuery, only we need to store in a K2 control the result that the JQuery code returns. How to do it? 😕
Let’s imagine this case: We have a list view containing the list of students of a class, and we want to display the first three students of a list without user interaction after loading the view. As below:
- How to do it without user interaction? 😯
- Answer: By writing in a K2 control via JQuery. 😉
We will use JQuery and we will do it in two steps:
- Retrieve the first three rows of the list view
- Insert the retrieved rows in a K2 control (DataLabel)
- Trigger the JQuery code snippet
Let’s go !!! 😎
Retrieve the first three rows of the list view
First we should add a DataLabel on the view to identify the view (in our case we will call it dl_FirstStudentName). Then from this Data Label we will use this piece of code :
a) Recovery of the 1st line
b) Recovery of the 2nd line
c) Recovery of the 3rd line
Insert the retrieved rows in K2 control (DataLabel) :
Here is the JQuery code snippet to insert text into a DataLabel :
The value XXXXX will be replaced by the recovery code of the first three lines which will give us the following code:
Let’s insert on our view a Data Label (named dl_JQuery in our case), then create an expression containing expression below this value:
Trigger the JQuery code snippet
Cette phase nous permet lancer l’exécution de notre code, pour ce faire nous utiliserons une règle sur K2 :
First transfer data is used to empty the Data Label dl_JQuery
Second transfer data is used to empty the Data Label dl_JQuery
So we can call our rule when initializing the view:
We obtain this result