How to: Calculate Working days K2

In the steps below, I show you how you calculate the next working day when we add a number of working days(B) to any date(A),  considering weekends and holidays(C) using K2. Read more

Use a Service Broker that uploads files to OneDrive

Do you want to send files to OneDrive from your K2 application? So, this article will show you how to do it, something simple 🙂

In this article, we will use OneDrive Online, please foudn below the different steps to play with OneDrive file in your K2 app.

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Versioning on K2 Five

On K2 five, there is a notion of versioning for workflows, forms and views. Thus it is possible in case of alteration of our wokflow, form or view, to go back to the previous version.

This article will help you understand how to change the version of a wokflow, a form and a view. In case of alteration, you will also see how to return to the previous version.

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Exporting view lists to Excel

The Export to Excel feature allows you to upload your List view as a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx). Use this option if you want to analyze the display data in Excel. You must configure the functionality using a control that exists when the view is designed, and then configure a rule Execute a method on the view. Read more

Integrate a map to locate an address into a K2 smartforms

You would like to integrate a localisation system in your applications, K2 in particular, so that your users can locate an address on a map. With this article you will be able to do it in a few minutes. Read more

Add pagination on K2 list view editable

Hello !

I’ll  present you an interesting tutorial  😎 : the pagination of an editable list view on K2 . Indeed, K2 allow to add the pagination on a list view that can not be editable. But it not possible to add the pagination on an editable list view. Truce of chatter let us go to the heart of the matter.  😉 Read more

Understand and resolve changes from “List” to “Execute” on SQL smartobjects

We have already had at least once an “Advanced SmartObject” whose method was changed from “List” to “Execute”  without it being known neither why and even less how to fix it 🤔. In order to have clear ideas on this subject, read untill the end of the article .

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User rights management on PowerApps

For those familiar with the Microsoft environment, it’s likely you have already heard of PowerApps. But if this is not the case it will not be long before 😉. In this article, after talking about PowerApps, we will see how to manage user rights with the latter.

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Clickable Data Label: open a pop-up

K2 controls that you do not have the “clicked ” event (such as Data Label, Label, HyperLink, etc.) and do not give the possibility to make operations during the click. However, in some cases we would want to make a clickable data label. For example use a Data Label, Label or HyperLink to open a Pop-Up. So how do you open a Pop-Up at a click on it for example 😬😬😬? Don’t panic!!!☝😌.

In this tutorial we will show you how to make a DataLabel control clickable so that it opens a Pop-Up. The process is the same for making a HyperLink control type. Read more